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citiq [South Africa]

Country/Region: South Africa

Inquiry about container house hotel  [South Africa]

Update Time: 2011-11-09
Valid to: Never Expired
Detailed Description: Dear Sir I will be visiting China from 15 Nov to 27 Nov 2011 as per the schedule below to investigate container housing as well as to source building products. Do you have representatives or factories close to Hong Kong (Guangzhou), Shanghai, Beijing. If yes please send me detail how we can meet Regards Arthur Blake 13-Nov Sunday Hong Kong 14-Nov Monday Hong Kong 15-Nov Tuesday Guangzhou 16-Nov Wednesday Guangzhou 17-Nov Thursday Hong Kong 17-Nov Thursday Beijing 18-Nov Friday Beijing 19-Nov Saturday Beijing 20-Nov Sunday Beijing 20-Nov Sunday Pudong Shanghai 21-Nov Monday Pudong Shanghai 22-Nov Tuesday Pudong Shanghai 23-Nov Wednesday Pudong Shanghai 24-Nov Thursday Ningbo 25-Nov Friday Ningbo 26-Nov Saturday Pudong Shanghai 27-Nov Sunday Pudong Shanghai 27-Nov Sunday Beijing 27-Nov Sunday Beijing
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